Archives par mot-clé : christianisme

Why Study Stucco? The Importance of Stucco Decorations for Christian Communities of the Gulf in the Early Islamic Period

Studying stucco decorations of churches provides a valuable insight into the history of Christian communities in the Gulf in the early Islamic period. As one of the most important materials of artistic expression for Christians of this region it helps us to answer many questions about people who lived in what is today Kuwait and other Gulf states. Continuer la lecture de Why Study Stucco? The Importance of Stucco Decorations for Christian Communities of the Gulf in the Early Islamic Period

Les pères syriaques du Bēṯ Qaṭrayē

Autour des auteurs syriaques nommés Qaṭraya, l’ouvrage collectif dirigé par Mario Kozah, Abdulrahim Abu-Husayn, Saif Shaheen Al-Murikhi et Haya Al-Thani (The Syriac Writers of Qatar in the Seventh Century, Gorgias Press, Piscataway) dessine le tableau d’une région au christianisme dynamique, au plus tard depuis le tournant des VIe et VIIe siècles et jusqu’aux VIIIe-IXe siècles de notre ère.

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Christianity in the Arab-Persian Gulf: an ancient but still obscure history

Christians have a long and ancient history in the Arab-Persian Gulf, probably from the end of the 4th century until at least the 9th. Scholars do not agree for now about the longevity of Christian occupation and its survival after the Islamization of the region in the 7th century.

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